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Happy Thanksgiving! Cooking Terms

Foto del escritor: Monica  JonesMonica Jones

The best part about Thanksgiving: family, friends and food. So, let's get straight to the cooking part! When it comes to Thanksgiving my family always does a potluck(1) so everyone contributes to making the meal and one person doesn't have to cook the whole meal by themselves.

I love the sound and smell of everyone making food in the kitchen. My mom and dad do an excellent job cooking the Thanksgiving turkey every year. Now, this is not a small food assignment. Some might say the turkey is the most important part of the meal (for the vegetarians in the family we also make a tofu turkey). They like to season(2) the turkey by putting rosemary, sage, thyme, salt and pepper on it before they bake(3) it in the oven for about four hours.

I usually make the green beans by steaming(4) them and then adding fresh garlic and sliced almond to finish off the dish. My mom makes the best pumpkin pie and cheesecake for dessert. My brother does a spectacular job making the cranberry sauce by boiling(5) fresh cranberries and then adding agave nectar to the pot(6) once they're cooked down. My youngest sister makes the yummy mashed potatoes. They're so creamy and rich! She boils the potatoes and then mixes them in the blender (she's very careful not to overmix(7) them so they don't turn out gummy(8)). My oldest sister always makes a super delicious appetizers. This year she made a magnificent vegetable platter with a homemade garlic and herb veggie dip(9). My aunt makes a mouthwatering(10) stuffing (relleno) and my cousin usually brings some really tasty wines.

After we've cooked and eaten a feast together (dessert included of course!) we like to end the evening playing board games. This year we played a game called Chameleon, which I highly recommend trying it if you haven't already. And there you have it; the best recipe for a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1) potluck: comide de sobaquillo

2) season: aliñar / sazonar

3) bake: hornear

4) steam: cocer al vapor

5) boil: hervir

6) pot: olla

7) overmix: mezclar excesivamente

8) gummy: gomoso / pegajoso

9) veggie dip: salsa para las verduras

10) mouthwatering: delicioso / apetecible

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